Prairie Storytellers Guild  

Guild Teller Gigs
Next Events
Winter Tales
Feb 22, 2025
Liars Contest
April 26, 2025

crier   night Image

New Guild Email>>

Next Guild Event:
Winter Tales
Feb 22, 2025

7:00 - 9:00 PM 
  Living Waters Gym

7229 N Knoxville, Peoria, IL
Enter from west side

We will email or snail mail information
  before the events

or call Mary Claire 309-510-9231


Send us an email to
and we will send event reminders
for the main events.
Email addresses will be held confidential.

Most Guild Meetings Third Tuesdays at
 Living Waters, 7229 N Knoxville, Peoria.  West building entrance.

The Prairie Storytellers Guild would like to share
the story of the month:

click to watch on line:
previous stories linked below:
Little Pullet
The Song In Your Heart
Scrambled Eggs  
Christmas Stories
A King's Thankgiving

A Festival of Lies


The Prairie Storytellers Guild offers family-friendly entertainment for Peoria area events. 
·        Our performers have appeared at holiday events such as “The Wildlife Scary Park” sharing ghost stories, and at the “Yule-Like-Peoria-Walkabout” telling Christmas stories – both traditional and humorous. 
·        Guild members portray costumed characters at Erin Feis, the Springdale Cemetery Walk, Historical Society reenactments, and our own annual “Crooks & Characters of Central Illinois” program.
·        Schools, churches, libraries, and clubs have included our shows at assemblies, banquets, and fundraisers.  We can simply entertain, or promote your cause – such as summer reading or a spiritual theme.
·        Families have invited us to entertain at holiday and children’s parties.
·        Our audiences have their say at our annual “Liars’ Contest” by voting for their favorite tall tale.